Mapping Data Processing Activity
Helping %company% keep an evergreen map of your data
While many privacy regulations, including GDPR, CPRA, LGPD, PDPA, and POPIA explicitly require a data map or record of processing activities (ROPA) for compliance, having one in place also enables organizations to mitigate risk and effectively govern data use. With 90% of all the data in the world generated in the last two years alone, big data has become a big problem.
Understanding how data is flowing through your organization is a prerequisite to being able to establish trust. A robust data map helps with essential privacy program obligations, such as fulfilling data subject requests, identifying data and individuals after a breach, populating PIAs, and generating compliance reports. Traditionally populated through manual tasks such as assessments and data entry, an automated data map increases accuracy.
How OneTrust helpsData Mapping Automation creates a thorough map of your IT assets, processing activities, vendors, the relationships between them, and how personal data is processed within each. This map is automatically generated through AI-driven data discovery and classification, which surfaces both the business and regulatory context of the data, and is supplemented through assessments and input from business subject matter experts. This enables automated risk flagging, policy enforcement, and compliance reporting to drive privacy compliance and automated data governance.
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Streamline data discovery
Seamlessly connect and discover all your data systems utilizing flexible intake methods including hundreds of pre-built connectors, expert-crafted questionnaires, and bulk import tools..
Flag and risk policy violations
Uncover personal data held in unexpected systems and flag risks for remediation. Build long-term defensibility into your privacy program with out-of-the-box data classification informed by the world’s largest database of regulatory research.
Automate privacy workflows
An evergreen data map serves as the foundation of your privacy programs. Our data mapping solution is designed to help you accurately classify personal data so you can respond to incidents and subject rights requests more efficiently.
Turn data insights into action
Use data analysis to enrich metadata, map to business glossaries, and give business users control of relevant data. Enforce controls like encryption, masking, and access controls and build a real-time data visualization map or record of processing activities.